Preparatory Steps

Follow these simple steps before your InBody Test to ensure consistent testing conditions and the most accurate results:

DO maintain your normal fluid intake the day before

DO stand upright for at least 5 minutes

DO remove any socks or pantyhose

DO remove all heavy accessories like jewelry, watches, and jackets

DO warm yourself up for 20 minutes in cold weather

DO use the restroom

DON’T eat or exercise for at least 3 hours

DON’T consume alcohol or excess caffeine for at least 24 hours

DON’T shower or use a sauna

DON’T use lotion or ointment on your hands and feet

DON’T take InBody Test if you have a pacemaker or other electronic medical device implanted, or are pregnant

*We recommend testing every 2-4 weeks under the same conditions to accurately track your progress.

1.Wipe Down Hands & Feet

Wipe down your hands and feet with an InBody Tissue to increase your conductivity.

2.Step Onto The InBody

Align your feet with the foot electrodes—your weight will be automatically measured.     

3.Enter Your Info

Once the InBody confirms your weight, enter your ID, height, and age.

4.Grab The Handles

Place your thumbs on the oval electrodes.

5.Get Into Position

Keep your arms straight and hold the handles away from your body at a 45-degree angle.

6.Maintain Testing Posture

Keep still and maintain the testing posture until the test is completed.

7.Receive Your Results

Your InBody Test results will automatically print out once the test is completed.