Performance Putting

We have a 300 sq.ft putting green here for putting and chipping. A setup of 4 hole locations, slopes, breaks, tee box, offer our clients a unique opportunity to practice, analyze and play.


For the first time in putting, you can track the full ball roll. This provides you with accurate and actionable information on the entire putt. Your first generation data points include Launch Direction, Ball Speed, Speed Drop, Roll Speed, Skid Distance, Roll Percentage, Effective Stimp, Side and Total Distance. Future releases will include even more data points and insights.


In addition to the data captured along the roll, live video with automatic replay provides you with further insights. A graphic overlay on the video automatically depicts the ball’s trajectory and you can even add the drawing tool to pinpoint focus areas. Set putts side by side with the Compare function. Tour Player videos with data will be added in future releases. Add as many as six iPhone cameras to capture additional angles.